Lemon Spaghetti

Chicken Piccata (Heavy on the Lemon)
December 15, 2020


1. Cook the past in a large pot of boiling salted water to your liking. Al Dente is preferred
2. While pasta is cooking whisk together the oil, parmesan, and lemon juice in a large bowl
3. Drain pasta and reserve 1 cup of the pasta water
4. Toss in pasta and mix until well coated adding ¼ cup of the past water as needed
5. Season with salt and pepper
6. Garnish with the lemon zest and chopped basil (fresh grated parmesan won’t hurt either)


Zest your lemons BEFORE you squeeze the juice. DON’T forget to reserve the pasta water. This really is key. If you have leftovers, pour the remaining water in the leftover container over whatever pasta you have remaining. Heat in microwave the next day for lunch and enjoy!